Egg Before Chicken

Now you know.


Unclassified Materials of Unknown Provenance Located Library of Congress Subbasement C, Janitor Closet

Arty Installations

Capital Hill Art Walk at Passable – Oct 2023

The theme was the following:

With this show we seek to turn our gaze outward, “beyond the planet Earth” and imagine what else might be out there in the great expanse of the universe. With provocative news headlines indicating aliens might be closer than we think, now is the time to put on your tinfoil hat and examine otherworldly beings, alien worlds, and Others to be feared or revered in the big night sky.

This was such a fun one! The tinfoil hat workshop, a “doctor” read my aura (I’m creative with a pinch of asshole!), and so many great spaceships, doll heads in lava lamps, and amazing art of things indescribable. Boy, I wish we took more pictures! I mean seriously, if I can find any more I’ll add them. We just don’t think of these things, apparently.

Anyway, Daniel and I created a slideshow with audio for the art walk. It was a group process: I created a repository of found, family, and borrowed slides, and also made a group of of “extraterrestrial” slides using Stable Diffusion. Daniel went through this folder and crafted a story out of what I provided (gotta love constraints!). Our very talented friend Kaleb Kerr recorded the voice over.

At the actual show, we used real slides and a projector (thank you, Erin!). People put on headphones attached to a cassette player to listen to the audio (we had a splitter so two people could listen at once). When you heard the “beep” you pressed the remote for the slide projector to advance to the next the slide. While that experience has passed, I’ve filmed the show with the voice over here (and eliminated the beeps). Enjoy, you never know what you’re going to find in the janitor’s closet!